
Blog 12

The SoftCloud Social Run

Are you in the travel industry? Do you enjoy running or jogging? Do you like meeting “actual” people ?

If you answered “YES” to the above questions, then join us for the “SoftCloud Social Run”

We’re bringing together a group of people from within the industry to take part in a fun run through the parks of Central London. There will be 2 distances to choose from, a 10km and a 5km run.

Those doing the 10km run will start first and be joined by the others doing the 5km at the half way point.

This is a fun run, not a race! So a nice easy pace, for all to enjoy. The idea is to run as a group, maybe take some selfies, have a chat along the way and bring a little bit of fun (and excerice) to the industry.

There is only one pre-requisite, you need to be part of or have been part of the travel industry (airline, travel agent, travel technology, hotels, bed bank etc….). Come along meet old friends and possibly make new ones along the way!

The run is planned for 11 Jul 2021 starting at 10am. The start point will be near Westminster, just opposite Big Ben.

This isn’t a charity run or an organised event so no sponsorships or fund rasing involved. As the name suggests it a social run. I think thats a thing.

Just in case we actually get to that number! We will limit the total number of runners to 30 in total, to make sure we go by the current government rules and also to make the group a more manageable size.

The team at SoftCloud will also provide some light refreshments and snacks at the end of the run, for those joining us on the day.

Email [email protected] if you’d like to join or leave a comment below!

The proposed route for the run is below.