
Blog 14

Free Travel Website & Booking Engine

We’re Offering All UK Travel Agents a Free Travel Website for 12 Months complete with Flight, Hotel and Holiday Booking Engine

As part of the travel industry, we understand the difficult time we are all going through. The pandemic has meant closed borders and travel restrictions for nearly everyone.

During times like this, it can be difficult to invest in something new, especially when you’re in uncharted territory. Here at SoftCloud we believe in the technology we have created, it’s the perfect fit for independent travel agents looking to branch out into the online world or for those looking to upgrade their existing website.

We want to be part of the travel recovery and having the right technology in place, will help travel agents concentrate on marketing and bounce back faster and stronger. So we made the decision to offer our solution, SoftCloud IBE, free for 12 months to any UK travel agent.

After 12 months, if you like the solution and what it has to offer, you can carry on using it at our new reduced monthly charge of only £99 a month. With no extra charges, hidden fees or minimum contract term.

Alternatively, if after the free 12 month trial, you do not want to carry on, just let us know and we’ll cancel the service for you. If you’d like, we’ll even provide you with a backup of all the content you’ve created for your website.

What is included ?

We’re including all of our features in the 12 month free trial. So you’ll get the full solution to help your travel business recover and grow.

  1. DIY Portal to customise and edit your website
  2. Home Page
  3. Flight Booking Engine (powered by Travelport uAPI)
  4. Hotel Booking Engine (powered by Stuba hotels)
  5. Flight + Hotel Booking Engine
  6. Markup Admin Tool
  7. Special Offer Management
  8. About Us Page
  9. Contact Us Page
  10. Blog/News Section
  11. Customised Enquiry Form
  12. Monthly Updates With New Features

What’s the catch?

There really isn’t one. The truth is we are confident in what we have created and the value it offers travel agents. By offering you a 12 month extended trial of our solution, you’ll find the value in it too and we can work on a long lasting business relationship together.

The only charges you may incur, if you do not already have one, if the cost of purchasing your own domain name.

You’ll also need to apply for APIs for Travelport flights, Stuba hotels and an online payment gateway. We can help with these too, through partnerships we have with varous suppliers.

To get started, click here and fill in the form with your details. We’ll be in touch to get your website up and running for you!